
This package provdes a port between Cirq and ProejctQ.

Cirq is an open source quantum computing framework developed by Google and Projectq is a framework to compile and simulate quantum algorithms.

Cirqprojectq provides two main functionalities: Firstly, it provides methods and classes that can port algorithms from projectq to cirq and secondly it introduces Xmon gates and xmon gate compositions to projectq.

xmon_gates This module provides Xmon gates for projectq.
xmon_decompositions Provides decompositon rules to decompose common gates into Xmon gates.
xmon_rules This module provides translation rules from Xmon gates in Projectq to Xmon gates in Cirq.
xmon_setup Provides proejctq engines for simulation of xmon devices.
circ_engine Provides a projectq engine that translates a projectq circuit to a cirq circuit.